Love to always have fresh flowers on your table? Brighten up your home with this elegant bouquet of artificial flowers in no time. Not only will it make you house happier, these flowers are also perfect for endless enjoyment. The pink and white roses in combination with berries give the bouquet a calm and cheerful atmosphere. Combine this bouquet with one of our vases for a playful effect. Are you already looking forward to decorating your home with the ‘’Sparkling Roses’’?
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Love to always have fresh flowers on your table? Brighten up your home with this elegant bouquet of artificial flowers in no time. Not only will it make you house happier, these flowers are also perfect for endless enjoyment. The pink and white roses in combination with berries give the bouquet a calm and cheerful atmosphere. Combine this bouquet with one of our vases for a playful effect. Are you already looking forward to decorating your home with the ‘’Sparkling Roses’’?