Our shoppers are good for everyday use. It's a stylish bag you can get away with. Sometimes very large bags look bulky, but the shopper from Pip Studio completes your look!
The shopper is also very practical. Besides having enough room for all your stuff, there is also room for an organized bag. The bag has several compartments on the inside, so you can keep an overview. And an orderly bag, is an orderly plan, makes for an orderly day. Still in need of some extra overview? Our makeup bags offer extra in your bag!
We have several shoppers to offer. First, there are multiple colors, namely green, pink and red. There are also multiple materials. We have luxury shoppers made of velvet. This feels wonderfully soft. We also have shoppers made of PU leather. This is a durable alternative to real leather. Both materials are sturdy and therefore last a long time.
The shoppers can be used on multiple occasions. It can function as a weekend bag, a beach bag, a clean diaper bag, for the picnic or a day out. Want to stay totally in the spirit of your new purchase? Look at our women's department for matching items.
Want to see more of Pip? You can find many more images on our Pinterest account for more inspiration regarding our products.