



Pip Studio is a design studio in Amsterdam. In our studio, a team of talented designers works to create unique designs. In close collaboration with our carefully selected partners, we then make products using our designs. That means Pip Studio does not manufacture its own products. It goes without saying that our partners work together with manufacturers who do their best to contribute to a more sustainable planet every single day.
Carbon-neutral production
Carbon-neutral production means that the production and distribution process does not result in a net increase of the global carbon emission level. Carbon-neutral is also referred to as climate-neutral. There are two ways to realise this goal; by minimising carbon emissions or by offsetting the remaining emissions.
Circular production
A circular economy revolves around making optimal use of raw materials at every stage of the production chain. Circular production results in a cleaner environment. Furthermore, as the world population continues to grow and people's wealth increases, resources may become scarce. That is another reason why it is so important to make optimal use of the available resources.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The SDGs are seventeen goals designed to help make the world a better place by the year 2030. The goals target such challenges as poverty, education and the climate crisis. The SDGs were formulated by the member states of the United Nations (UN), including the Netherlands.
Pip Studio contributes to the following SDGs:
8. Decent work and economic growth: we strive towards persistent and sustainable economic growth in all countries where products are produced via our partners.
12. Responsible consumption and production: we strive towards the continuous improvement of the production chain in collaboration with our partners.
17. Partnerships for the goals: in order to realise sustainable progress, we work together effectively with our partners. Furthermore, we are actively searching for ways to share our knowledge and insights with other parties.
Biodiversity covers all forms of life: plants, animals and microorganisms, as well as the diversity that exists within these species and the ecosystems they are part of. Together, all these species of flora and fauna help maintain the natural balance on our planet. Biodiversity contributes to fertile soil, agriculture, food, resources, clean water and a stable climate.
Healthy forests are a requirement for a healthy living climate on Earth and an essential factor in our efforts to prevent climate change. Properly managed forests are capable of absorbing vast quantities of CO2. They also purify our water supply, are important for biodiversity and serve as a source of timber.